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Monday, May 8, 2017

Valentine One Radar Detector

The Valentine One V1 Radar detector is one of the highest performing radar detectors on the market. One reason for this is multiple radar antennas! The only other detector with two radar antennas is the Bel STi Driver, but in the STi both antennas face forward. In the Valentine One, there is one forward antenna and one rear-facing antenna. Using this combination of antennas, it effectively tells you the band and strength of the radar signal, along with the number of "bogeys," or radar units being detected. It will also tell you what direction the signal is coming from, and provide the best rear detection out of every other windshield-mounted detector on the market. Even when this sounds too good to be true, there's more. The Valentine One has excellent laser reception, consistently appearing at the top of tests in this category. In addition to the super high-performance of Valentine's detector, this model will never become obsolete. The very first Valentine detectors from 1992 look identical to the ones today, and can be sent in to Valentine to be updated with the latest hardware and software (charges may apply). If you decide on a Valentine One, you'll be in good hands with the same detector for the rest of your life.

Product Features

  • X, K, Ka, and Super Wideband Ka Detection

  • 360° Protection against all types of Laser

  • Rear Radar Antenna

  • Ku Band Detection

  • Arrow Directional Indicators

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  1. Great detector but buy it directly from Valentine! Great detector with high end performance, but buy it directly from Valentine! It's sold here on Amazon by people who buy it from Valentine and then turn around and resell it at a profit. If you buy it here, you'll get no warranty and you'll pay more than full price. The only reason you'll want to do that is if you live in an area Valentine doesn't ship to (anywhere outside of the U.S. or 3 provinces in Canada: BC, AB, and SK) so you'll need to pay someone else to get it for you. People who...

  2. THERE IS NONE BETTER! I will make this short.I'm not gonna pretend I'm some expert in radars. I'm not. However, I am an expert in always speeding and getting caught. I bought this for my roadtrip from Long Island, NY to Toronto, Canada. I was travelling between 70-100 mph the majority of the way. This radar picked up 4 cop cars from literally a mile away shooting their radar gun in our direction. Two of which were hiding in near undetectable areas in the bushes which any normal person would not see till...

  3. Its a radar locator, not just a detector...and absolutely shines at its job Plenty has been written about this radar detector and for the most part they are correct. This is my opinion as a layperson i.e. non-expert.I drive a lot on the interstates and needed a reliable radar detector. I was willing to spend the extra $$ to get a high quality one after becoming really mistrustful of my Cobra detector. After reviewing and searching available online material, it was down to this (V1) and the Escort Passport Max 2. There is a fairly detailed nearly 30 minute...


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